Bad Night Sleep Starter Pack

The more research I do around Human Optimization, the more I'm convinced that sleep is the #1 thing that impacts your health, energy, productivity, and beyond.

Yet, sleep health is one of the FIRST things to go when life gets crazy. It's easy to have a bad night's sleep here and there... a few times a week, maybe.

No big deal, right?! 🤪

Did you know that ONE night of bad sleep can reduce glucose getting to your brain by 12%? 🤯🤯🤯 This puts your brain and starvation mode. This is why it's so difficult to make decisions, and you just feel like your brain is not working after a bad night's sleep — that's because it's *literally* trying to survive.

This is one of the reasons that your body tries to look for really dense sources of glucose like pasta and bread, and candy. Because it knows that it's going to get that hit of glucose that it needs to survive.

Wild right? 👀

Now imagine this happening a few days a week or even daily.


Here's a list of some top factors contributing to a bad night's sleep:

So basically, do the opposite, ok?

  • drinking alcohol less than 2 hours before sleep

  • downing melatonin or synthetic sleep "helpers."

  • going to bed & waking up at A different time

  • staying up to finish "just one more thing."

  • missing key nutrients during the day

  • staring at screens up until sleep

  • eating a heavy dinner & dessert

  • stressing about all the things

  • keeping bright lights on late

  • drinking caffeine after 12 pm

  • keeping the room too warm

  • having a low movement day

  • not taking sleep seriously

What is ONE thing you are committed to improving when it comes to your sleep health? Share below 👇


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