22 Free Biohacks

Biohacking can take a toll on the budget, but it doesn't have to!

Here are 22 incredible FREE things you can do to biohack:

  1. Meditate

  2. Hug more

  3. Play more

  4. Get outside

  5. Breathwork

  6. Embrace change

  7. Take a tech break

  8. Reflect & journal

  9. Drink more water

  10. Take cold showers

  11. Try forest bathing

  12. Prioritize good sleep

  13. Learn something new

  14. Move your body more

  15. Connect with loved ones

  16. Choose nutrient-dense foods

  17. Ground your feet on the earth

  18. Avoid bright & blue lights after dark

  19. Practice gratitude multiple times a day

  20. Get early morning sunlight in your eyes

  21. Unplug wifi at night & phone in airplane mode

  22. Put your legs up on the wall or do some inversions

Which one are you going to start implementing more? ↓


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