Personal Brand Mastery

Make an income & an impact by simply being you.

The only online program for content creators, entrepreneurs, influencers, founders, industry experts, and thought leaders to monetize what’s in their head & in their heart so they can scale their impact & create true entrepreneurship freedom.


Monetize your life.

Monetize your passion.

Monetize your expertise.

Monetize your knowledge.

Monetize your experience.

via podcasting, speaking, social media content, email, brand partnerships, sponsorships, affiliates, books, consulting, digital courses, events, workshops, digital products, memberships, manufactured or dropshipped products, & more.

We are deep in the era of ‘Personal Brands’.

And I’m here for it. It’s no longer a “nice to have” — it’s essential.

For Creators & Influencers:

  • 💰 The Influencer Marketing Industry is Valued at $16.4 Billion.

  • 💰 Content Creators Earned a Baseline of $5.5 Billion on the Nine Platforms in 2022.

  • 💰 $24 Million Estimated Monthly Payouts on Patreon.

  • 💰 The Creator Economy is estimated to be worth around $104.2 billion.

Having an established Personal Brand as a Creator or influencer allows you to monetize your content & passions so you're getting paid for your work & your impact. This also increases a brands likelihood of partnering with you.

For Entrepreneurs & Founders:

  • 🧍 82% of Americans agree that companies are more influential if their founder or executives have a personal brand that they know about, trust, and follow.

  • 💰 66% of Americans would be willing to spend more money on products and services from the companies of founders whose personal brand aligns with their personal values.

  • 🧍 58% of older Millennials trust a company or brand more if they feel like they know or recognize its executives.

Having an established Personal Brand as a founder helps you infuse sales into your existing business. Also, it helps you find your identity & purpose outside of the business if you ever chose to leave it or sell it.

For Industry Experts & Professionals:

  • ‼️ 46-61% of Americans said that it's important or very important to them for these professionals to have an established Personal Brand: Doctor, Employer, Lawyer, Financial Advisor, Life or Success Coach, Business Consultant, Insurance Agent, Nutritionist, Real Estate Agent, Accountant, Personal Trainer, Chiropractor, Home Mortgage Loan Officer

Having an established Personal Brand as a professional allows you to stand out from others in your industry & connect with your ideal clientele on a deeper level creating more trust & loyalty.

For Basically, Everyone:

  • 94% of the time, someone’s first impression is based on design, and it only takes 50 milliseconds for that decision to get made.

  • 🗣️ 84% of consumers start their buying process with a referral.

  • 🧍 Of all Internet users, 65% see online search as the most trusted source of information about people and companies. That's a higher level of trust than any other online or offline source.

  • 🧍 92% of people trust recommendations from individuals (even if they don't know them) over brands.

Having a strong Personal Brand is your greatest asset in both life & business.

Like Shakira’s hips, the data doesn’t lie. Here’s the Power of a Personal Brand:

Don’t worry, Sally…

  • 💃 You don’t have to dance on Instagram reels to grow your Personal Brand. (Unless you really want to, of course. There are many ways to grow your Personal Brand, Instagram Reels is just one of the ways.)

  • 📲 You don’t have to rely on posting affiliate links on socials daily to pay the bills. Affiliates are not the only way to bring in income (it's on the lower end of the spectrum regarding revenue opportunities). And if it’s a monetization strategy for you, I teach some secrets for amplifying that income beyond Instagram stories.

  • 🤐 You don’t have to get too personal by sharing your OOTD, giving behind-the-scenes of your coffee enemas (like I sometimes do), showing your family online, or keeping your house picked up all the time because #influencerlife. What you share, where you share it, and how you share it is up to you. It’s based on your message to the world & what you WANT to share with the world.

  • 📝 There is no need to pump out tons of content in the hopes of gaining more followers to increase your income. If your goal is to grow your income, growing your followers is actually the more challenging route to achieve that — don’t worry — I’ll teach you my ways!

And the ultimate permission slip:

You get to build & scale your Personal Brand in a way that works best for you.

And I would love to help you along the way.

I mean… you’re basically Liam Neeson from ‘Taken’, minus the whole “taken” part:

You have a unique set of skills, knowledge, expertise, and experience to offer the world and you are a passionate and driven person that loves to spread that passion and drive across the masses to create a major impact — isn’t it time you start getting paid for it?!

Hey friend, it’s me, Taylor! 🙋‍♀️

I’ve been building a Personal Brand for myself for over seven years (four of those years it was a complete happy accident 😝). It wasn’t until I pivoted my business for what seemed like the 100th time that I realized that my community was loyal to me through those pivots. They weren’t just getting value from me based on the content topics I posted and services I offered but because I was me.

They fell in love with my head & my heart and continued investing in my expertise through it all! 🥹

This was where I found deep alignment (because I could showcase my internal evolution whenever that growth happened) and ultimate freedom (knowing that I could shift things when I wanted & I didn’t have to change my entire business model to make it work).

When I leaned into this and understood the full power of a Personal Brand Business Model, I started monetizing my life and expertise through scalable avenues like paid speaking, podcasting, memberships, affiliates, courses, brand partnerships, and so much more. 💰 Through this, I’ve booked out 12+ months of predictable, recurring, and scalable revenue — all from sharing what I love in ways that I love. And not to mention, I get to choose how many hours I work in a week.

And now I'm going to show you how to do the same!!

Your new BFF of a program has entered the chat: 💰💻🚀

Personal Brand Mastery

A multi-modal membership meets mastermind to help you start, scale & master your Personal Brand business so you can make an income & an impact by simply being you.

Personal Brand Mastery is for you if:

  • 🚀 You are a Founder or Entrepreneur who is ready to build your Personal Brand to fuel sales into your existing business and/or are looking to make your mark on the world outside of your business, as you are.

  • 🤳🏼 You are an Influencer or Content Creator who is ready to monetize your life & content.

  • 🧠 You are a Thought Leader who is ready to help change the world with your wisdom & insight.

  • 🎓 You are an Industry Expert who is looking to monetize your knowledge & become the “Go To Expert For XYZ”.

  • 🤍 You are looking to build something outside of your career. You love your career, but you’re looking to create income and impact outside of that. Something on the side, for fun, that can fill your cup up. It can stay on the side, or you can go full-time with it. The cool thing is that your Personal Brand could lead to a product business, a big brand deal, a different career, or really, whatever you want it to lead to.

  • 💰 You are sick of relying on 1:1 clients, customers, or patients and want to diversify your income for greater wealth & create more time freedom.

And you’re in need of strategy from a Personal Brand expert (hi, it’s me! 🙋‍♀️), a community of others growing alongside you, and a go-at-your-own-pace model with strategic curriculum that actually works for you.

Your Personal Brand Mastery experience includes:

🎥 Course

This foundational course uses my tried & true proprietary Personal Brand methods to help you create your Personal Brand Core, identify your monetization methods, and create your amplification & visibility strategy.

We also have a workbook to support you through the exercises.

👥 Community

An online community hub via “Circle” for networking, feedback, collaborations, questions, and more.

We also have a phone app that you can download and keep the community on the go!

💻 Calls

We have a mix of roundtable strategy calls, guest experts, & workshops where we dive deep into what you're currently working on & how to move the needle forward in your goal.

Topics are based on current members' specific needs like YouTube, Public Speaking, Podcasting, Brand Partnerships, PR, etc.

📝 Swipe Files

We have templates, swipe files, scripts, graphics, etc that you can take and use as your own. (Things like podcasting pitch email scripts, book launch & marketing checklist, media kit, etc.)

🎧 Private Podcast Feed

We have a Private Podcast feed you can subscribe to of the course & call replays so you can listen on the go!

And we have a few other surprises for the student's eyes only.

The Course Curriculum

I know you wanna know what you’re gonna learn in that course… 😏

  • This is where we gain clarity on your Personal Brand Foundations: Vision, Purpose, Messaging, Brand Visuals, and the like.

    This is where we create your IMPACT.

  • We will determine the most aligned ways for you to get paid.

    There are countless ways to bring in money as a Personal Brand - we will figure out what makes the most sense for you.

  • This is where we Amplify your Message & Monetization. Learn how to get more visible globally so you can scale your income & impact.

    This can look like podcast interviews, speaking engagements, social media, email marketing, article contributions, press features, and more.

    This will cut the marketing fluff and ensure everything you do either contributes to income or impact.

Here’s what the Personal Brand business model will give you:

  1. 🌎 Location Freedom — Wherever you go, your business goes. That means you can travel AND make an income, AND make an impact.

  2. Time Freedom — You are on your own time. Want to take four months off; you can without it being weird. You set the deadlines; you determine when things get done. And you don't have to trade time for money in the long run.

  3. 💰 Financial Freedom — You can build revenue streams that build upon each other over time to build wealth. And you can choose to change how you make money whenever you want.

  4. 🤍 Optionality — You are free to change & evolve as you want. Your business naturally changes & evolves with you. Want to shift from fitness to florals to cooking to travel, or maybe all four of them? You can because you are your business.

  5. Longevity — Because a Personal Brand is YOU, you get to make an income & an impact for as long as you are alive. You can be 92 and still share your message with the masses through podcasting, speaking, a blog, a YouTube channel, consulting, or whatever you choose.

The Personal Brand Mastery Vibe (if you’re into this sort of thing):

Timeless over trendy. Multiple income streams. Tough love over coddling. Life-first, always & forever. Sustainability over speed. Tactical over fluff. Community over competition.

Join Personal Brand Mastery


Mastery Path


  • The Personal Brand Strategy Course

  • Access To The Archive Of Video Trainings

  • A Private Podcast To Learn On The Go

  • One 60-Minute Monthly Group Business Strategy Call With Taylor

  • One 60-Minute Monthly Group Business Training With Taylor Or A Guest Expert

  • Directory Of Resources & Industry Experts For Expansion

  • Online Community Hub for Networking, Feedback, Collaborations, Questions, and more.

  • Swipe Files, Templates, Graphics, Email Scripts, etc.



Mastery + 1:1 Path


  • Everything In The Mastery Path, Plus…

  • 1:1 Voxer with Taylor (M-F)

  • Weekly Feedback Submission To Taylor (Website, Podcast Intro, Speaking Slidedeck, Story Graphics, etc)


*Limited to 10 members simultaneously to allow maximum intimacy*


What Personal Brand Mastery Members & Alumni Have To Say:

I actually have a vision and am happy with my offerings. I’m getting notice for the work I'm doing with social media and securing more podcast opportunities while decreasing my personal expectations with social media.

Personal Brand Mastery is an opportunity to take your business where it currently is and design + implement a unique strategy to grow it to whatever you want it to be.  Not only is Taylor an industry expert, giving you legit tested and effective feedback, but it's a community of high achievers giving you insight on how to improve your business from many different angles.

Tony K.

I’ve grown my membership, made hella progress on my book (I think it’s closer to being done than I think), and booked more speaking engagements!!”

Megan R.

Prior to the program, I had tons of ideas but never a direct plan so I was feeling overwhelmed. Now, I have a defined plan for the rest of the year, am making money, and feel excited about it all!

In the past year, I’ve been able to create a personal brand website, social media, an online course, and published two books. I’ve also booked multiple speaking engagements. This is one of the best investments I have made in myself and my business.”

Shiloh W.

I have 4x’d my investment since joining the Personal Brand Mastery. I have met some amazing fellow business owners. I have been able to stay on task and follow through because of the incredible accountability the program offers!

I have started a business, built my own website, created a personal brand on Instagram, became a published author, met my financial goal for the year, created a lead magnet quiz from scratch, started an online course, created speaking talks and secured my goal of 3 speaking gigs by the end of this program, I have spent a lot more time at home with my family which has given me lots of balance.

Taylor is committed to the success of her clients. I can always go to her for anything she will give me constructive feedback and ask me questions that lead me to my answers without necessarily telling me my answers! I appreciate her love acceptance and incredible knowledge she has gifted me! I truly feel like Taylor cares about seeing me succeed!”

Bre K.

“Taylor helped me see the options for monetization and creating brand awareness. I hired a Content Specialist to help with social media, blog, YouTube content (before I was "ready"). This has freed me up to keep working on bigger projects for my business while still continuing to build other areas that will bring in residual revenue in the future.

PBM provides tools and resources that provide a guide for developing a personal brand and helping it grow. You will always know your next step when you participate in a community like Personal Brand Mastery. Taylor always has the answers you need to keep moving forward in your business.”

Alana F.

 Personal Brand Alumni Wins

Are you ready to:

  • 💰 Book paid speaking engagements, like Shiloh.

  • 💰 Land 5 figure contracts from your reputation alone, like Bre.

  • 📚 Publish a bestselling book, like Megan,

  • 📲 Monetize your Instagram audience like Brandon.

  • 👥 Launch a membership like Deb.

  • 📝 Set yourself apart from others in your industry with content, like Trista & Sarah.

  • 🎥 Launch your YouTube channel like Alana.

  • 💰 Get paid to host workshops like Jess.

  • 😎 Create an identity outside of your existing business, like Emilia.


  • Personal Brand Mastery is a 12-month minimum commitment.

    After that your membership is month to month and can be cancelled with 30 day written notice to

  • Many factors go into this.

    It depends on your monetization methods; for example, affiliates usually bring income in quicker than speaking.

    It can also depend on your existing community or network size.

    It can also depend on how much time/energy you dedicate to building your Personal Brand.

    My goal is to focus on the sustainability & predictability of your revenue vs. just bringing in money fast.

  • I lead with alignment always. I take time to get to know YOU, your vision, and how you work best energetically. I use tools like Human Design, Enneagram, etc, to help you find the most aligned Personal Brand strategy for you.

    And the most important difference.. I take a life-first approach. Members join Personal Brand Mastery so they can build a Personal Brand that supports their dream life instead of building something they have to work 50 hours week for.

  • Absolutely!

    You can utilize your existing business to fuel your Personal Brand and use your Personal Brand to fuel your existing business.

    They work in synergy.

  • Totally! You can use your Personal Brand to get promotions, to make extra income elsewhere, or to make an impact and no additional income.

    Plus, if you were ever to leave your current job, when you have a well-known Personal Brand, you can utilize that as a competitive edge for your next position.

  • Totally! We have actually had 2 men as members.

  • Most of the calls are Tuesdays from 12-1pm CST or Wednesdays from 11-12pm CST although it can vary.

    Since there are two calls each month, there will not be calls every week, so it’s a minimal commitment.

    Can’t make it live? No problem! You can pre-submit any questions you have that you want to be answered, and there will be a video replay.

  • Yes, please do! Feel free to send me a DM on Instagram or book a call with Taylor here.

Let me ask you this friend…

What will an aligned & profitable personal brand do for you, your loved ones, and your legacy?

It’s time to start making an income & an impact by simply being you.